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Provenance in Docprompt


Provenance in Docprompt refers to the ability to trace and locate specific pieces of text within a document. The DocumentProvenanceLocator class is a powerful tool that enables efficient text search, spatial queries, and fine-grained text location within documents that have been processed with OCR.

Key Concepts


The DocumentProvenanceLocator is a class that provides advanced search capabilities for documents in Docprompt. It combines full-text search with spatial indexing to offer fast and accurate text location services.

class DocumentProvenanceLocator:
    document_name: str
    search_index: "tantivy.Index"
    block_mapping: Dict[int, OcrPageResult]
    geo_index: DocumentProvenanceGeoMap

Key features: - Full-text search using the Tantivy search engine - Spatial indexing using R-tree for efficient bounding box queries - Support for different granularity levels (word, line, block) - Ability to refine search results to word-level precision

Main Functionalities

The search method allows you to find specific text within a document:

def search(
    query: str,
    page_number: Optional[int] = None,
    refine_to_word: bool = True,
    require_exact_match: bool = True
) -> List[ProvenanceSource]:
    # ... implementation ...

This method returns a list of ProvenanceSource objects, which contain detailed information about where the text was found, including page number, bounding box, and the surrounding context.

2. Spatial Queries

The DocumentProvenanceLocator supports spatial queries to find text blocks based on their location on the page:

def get_k_nearest_blocks(
    bbox: NormBBox,
    page_number: int,
    k: int,
    granularity: BlockGranularity = "block"
) -> List[TextBlock]:
    # ... implementation ...

def get_overlapping_blocks(
    bbox: NormBBox,
    page_number: int,
    granularity: BlockGranularity = "block"
) -> List[TextBlock]:
    # ... implementation ...

These methods allow you to find text blocks that are near or overlapping with a given bounding box on a specific page.


The recommended way to use the DocumentProvenanceLocator is through the DocumentNode class. The DocumentNode provides two methods for working with the locator:

  1. locator property: Lazily creates and returns the DocumentProvenanceLocator.
  2. refresh_locator() method: Explicitly refreshes the locator for the document node.

Here's how to use these methods:

from docprompt import load_document, DocumentNode
from docprompt.tasks.ocr.gcp import GoogleOcrProvider

# Load and process the document
document = load_document("path/to/my.pdf")
document_node = DocumentNode.from_document(document)

# Process the document with OCR
provider = GoogleOcrProvider.from_service_account_file(...)

# Access the locator (creates it if it doesn't exist)
locator = document_node.locator

# Perform a search
results ="Docprompt")

# If you need to refresh the locator (e.g., after updating OCR results)

Note: Attempting to access the locator before OCR results are available will raise a ValueError.

Alternative: Standalone Usage

While the recommended approach is to use the locator through DocumentNode, you can also create and use a DocumentProvenanceLocator independently:

from import DocumentProvenanceLocator

# Assuming you have a processed DocumentNode
locator = DocumentProvenanceLocator.from_document_node(document_node)

# Now you can use the locator directly
results ="Docprompt")

Searching for Text

To search for text within the document:

results ="Docprompt")
for result in results:
    print(f"Found on page {result.page_number}, bbox: {result.text_location.merged_source_block.bounding_box}")

Performing Spatial Queries

To find text blocks near a specific location:

bbox = NormBBox(x0=0.1, y0=0.1, x1=0.2, y1=0.2)
nearby_blocks = locator.get_k_nearest_blocks(bbox, page_number=1, k=5)

Benefits of Using Provenance

  1. Accurate Text Location: Quickly find the exact location of text within a document, including page number and bounding box.
  2. Efficient Searching: Combine full-text search with spatial indexing for fast and accurate results.
  3. Flexible Granularity: Search and retrieve results at different levels of granularity (word, line, block).
  4. Integration with OCR: Seamlessly works with OCR results to provide comprehensive document analysis capabilities.
  5. Support for Complex Queries: Perform spatial queries to find text based on location within pages.
  6. Easy Access: Conveniently access the locator through the DocumentNode class, ensuring it's always available when needed.

By leveraging the provenance functionality in Docprompt, you can build sophisticated document analysis workflows that require precise text location and contextual information retrieval.