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Single-Label Classification with DocPrompt: Recipe Categories

In this guide, we'll use DocPrompt to classify recipes in a PDF document into distinct meal categories. We'll use single-label classification, meaning each page (recipe) will be assigned to one category: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Dessert.

Setting Up

First, let's import the necessary modules and set up our environment:

from docprompt import load_document, DocumentNode
from docprompt.tasks.factory import AnthropicTaskProviderFactory
from docprompt.tasks.classification import ClassificationInput, ClassificationTypes

# Initialize the Anthropic factory
# Ensure you have set the ANTHROPIC_API_KEY environment variable
factory = AnthropicTaskProviderFactory()

# Create the classification provider
classification_provider = factory.get_page_classification_provider()

Preparing the Document

Load your recipe book PDF and create a DocumentNode:

document = load_document("path/to/your/recipe_book.pdf")
document_node = DocumentNode.from_document(document)

Configuring the Classification Task

For single-label classification, we'll create a ClassificationInput object that specifies our labels and provides instructions for the model:

classification_input = ClassificationInput(
    labels=["Breakfast", "Lunch", "Dinner", "Dessert"],
    instructions="Classify the recipe on this page into one of the given meal categories based on its ingredients, cooking methods, and typical serving time.",
        "Morning meals, often including eggs, cereals, or pastries",
        "Midday meals, typically lighter fare like sandwiches or salads",
        "Evening meals, often the most substantial meal of the day",
        "Sweet treats typically served after a meal or as a snack"
    confidence=True  # Request confidence scores

Let's break down the ClassificationInput:

  • type: Set to ClassificationTypes.SINGLE_LABEL for single-label classification.
  • labels: List of possible categories for our recipes.
  • instructions: Clear directions for the model on how to classify the recipes.
  • descriptions: (Optional) Provide additional context for each label to improve classification accuracy.
    • Note that the descriptions array must be the same length as the labels array.
  • confidence: Set to True to get confidence scores with the results.

Performing Classification

Now, let's run the classification task on our recipe book:

results = classification_provider.process_document_node(

Interpreting Results

Let's examine the classification results for each recipe:

for page_number, result in results.items():
    category = result.labels
    confidence = result.score

    print(f"Recipe on Page {page_number}:")
    print(f"\tCategory: {category} ({confidence})")

This will print the assigned category (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, or Dessert) for each recipe, along with the confidence level.

Tips for Effective Single-Label Classification

  1. Comprehensive Labels: Ensure your label set covers all possible categories without overlap.

  2. Clear Instructions: Provide specific criteria for each category in your instructions. For recipes, mention considering ingredients, cooking methods, and typical serving times.

  3. Use Descriptions: The descriptions field can help the model understand nuances between categories, especially for edge cases like brunch recipes.

  4. Consider Confidence Scores: Low confidence scores might indicate recipes that don't clearly fit into one category, such as versatile dishes that could be served at multiple meals.

  5. Handling Edge Cases: If you encounter many low-confidence classifications, you might need to refine your categories or instructions. For example, you might add an "Anytime" category for versatile recipes.

Advanced Usage: Customizing the Model

If you need to experiment with different LLM models, based on the complexity of your task, you may control the model_name parameter to the classification provider:

haiku_classification_provider = factory.get_page_classification_provider(

sonnet_classification_provider = factory.get_page_classification_provider(


Single-label classification with DocPrompt provides a powerful way to categorize pages in your documents, such as recipes in a cookbook. By carefully crafting your ClassificationInput with clear labels, instructions, and descriptions, you can achieve accurate and efficient document analysis.

Remember that the quality of your results depends on the clarity of your instructions and the appropriateness of your label set. Experiment with different phrasings and label combinations to find what works best for your specific use case.

This approach can be easily adapted to other single-label classification tasks, such as categorizing scientific papers by field, sorting legal documents by type, or classifying news articles by topic.