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Bases: BaseModel

Specifies the location of a piece of text in a page

Source code in docprompt/provenance/
class PageTextLocation(BaseModel):
    Specifies the location of a piece of text in a page

    source_blocks: List[TextBlock] = Field(
        description="The source text blocks", repr=False
    text: str  # Sometimes the source text is less than the textblock's text.
    score: float
    granularity: Literal["word", "line", "block"] = "block"

    merged_source_block: Optional[TextBlock] = Field(default=None)


Bases: BaseModel

Bundled with some data, specifies exactly where a piece of verbatim text came from in a document.

Source code in docprompt/provenance/
class ProvenanceSource(BaseModel):
    Bundled with some data, specifies exactly where a piece of verbatim text came from
    in a document.

    document_name: str
    page_number: PositiveInt
    text_location: Optional[PageTextLocation] = None

    @computed_field  # type: ignore
    def source_block(self) -> Optional[TextBlock]:
        if self.text_location:
            if self.text_location.merged_source_block:
                return self.text_location.merged_source_block
            if self.text_location.source_blocks:
                return self.text_location.source_blocks[0]

            return None

    def text(self) -> str:
        if self.text_location:
            return "\n".join([block.text for block in self.text_location.source_blocks])

        return ""