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The metadata class is utilized for defining a basic, yet flexible interface for metadata attached to various fields.

In essence, this allows for developers to choose to either create their metadtata in an unstructured manner (i.e. a dictionary), or to sub class the base metadata class in order to create a more strictly typed metadata model for their page and document nodes.


Bases: BaseModel, MutableMapping, Generic[TMetadataOwner]

The base metadata class is utilized for defining a basic yet flexible interface for metadata attached to various fields.

When used out of the box, the metadata class will adobpt dictionary-like behavior. You may easily access different fields of the metadata as if it were a dictionary:

# Instantiate it with any kwargs you like
metadata = BaseMetadata(foo-'bar', cow='moo')

metadata["foo"]  # "bar"
metadata["cow"]  # "moo"

# Update the value of the key
metadata["foo"] = "fighters"

# Set new key-value pairs
metadata['sheep'] = 'baa'

Otherwise, you may sub-class the metadata class in order to create a more strictly typed metadata model. This is useful when you want to enforce a specific structure for your metadata.

class CustomMetadata(BaseMetadata):
    foo: str
    cow: str

# Instantiate it with the required fields
metadata = CustomMetadata(foo='bar', cow='moo')  # "bar"
metadata.cow  # "moo"

# Update the value of the key = "fighters"

# Use the extra field to store dynamic metadata
metadata.extra['sheep'] = 'baa'

Additionally, the task results descriptor allows for controlled and easy access to the task results of various tasks that are run on the parent node.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
class BaseMetadata(BaseModel, MutableMapping, Generic[TMetadataOwner]):
    The base metadata class is utilized for defining a basic yet flexible interface
    for metadata attached to various fields.

    The metadata class can be used in two ways:
        1. As a dictionary-like object, where metadata is stored in the `extra` field.
        2. As a sub-classed model, where metadata is stored in the fields of the model.

    When used out of the box, the metadata class will adobpt dictionary-like behavior. You
    may easily access different fields of the metadata as if it were a dictionary:
    # Instantiate it with any kwargs you like
    metadata = BaseMetadata(foo-'bar', cow='moo')

    metadata["foo"]  # "bar"
    metadata["cow"]  # "moo"

    # Update the value of the key
    metadata["foo"] = "fighters"

    # Set new key-value pairs
    metadata['sheep'] = 'baa'

    Otherwise, you may sub-class the metadata class in order to create a more strictly typed
    metadata model. This is useful when you want to enforce a specific structure for your metadata.

    class CustomMetadata(BaseMetadata):
        foo: str
        cow: str

    # Instantiate it with the required fields
    metadata = CustomMetadata(foo='bar', cow='moo')  # "bar"
    metadata.cow  # "moo"

    # Update the value of the key = "fighters"

    # Use the extra field to store dynamic metadata
    metadata.extra['sheep'] = 'baa'

    Additionally, the task results descriptor allows for controlled and easy access to the task results
    of various tasks that are run on the parent node.

    extra: Dict[str, Any] = Field(..., default_factory=dict, repr=False)

    _task_results: TaskResultsDescriptor = PrivateAttr(

    _owner: TMetadataOwner = PrivateAttr()

    def task_results(self) -> TaskResultsDescriptor:
        """Return the task results descriptor."""
        return self._task_results.__get__(self)

    def task_results(self, value: Any) -> None:
        """This will raise an error, as we do not want to set the task results directly.

        NOTE: This implementation is here purely to avoid the task_results property from being
        overwritten by accident.
        self._task_results.__set__(self, value)

    def owner(self) -> TMetadataOwner:
        """Return the owner of the metadata."""
        return self._owner

    def owner(self, owner: TMetadataOwner) -> None:
        """Return the owner of the metadata."""
        self._owner = owner

    def from_owner(cls, owner: TMetadataOwner, **data) -> BaseMetadata:
        """Create a new instance of the metadata class with the owner set."""
        metadata = cls(**data)
        metadata.owner = owner
        return metadata

    def validate_data_fields_from_annotations(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
        """Validate the data fields from the annotations."""

        # We want to make sure that we combine the `extra` metdata along with any
        # other specific fields that are defined in the metadata.
        extra = data.pop("extra", {})
        assert isinstance(extra, dict), "The `extra` field must be a dictionary."
        data = {**data, **extra}

        # If the model has been sub-classed, then all of our fields must be
        # validated by the pydantic model.
        if cls._is_field_typed():
            # We will get the fields out of extra and set them as potential fields to
            # validate. They will be ignored if they are not defined in the model, but it
            # allows for a more flexible way to define metadata.
            # Otherwise, what ever is in the `extra` field will be stroed in the `extra` field.
            return {**data, "extra": extra}

        # Otherwise, we are using our mock-dict implentation, so we store our
        # metadata in the `extra` field.
        return {"extra": data}

    def _is_field_typed(cls):
        Check if the metadata model is field typed.

        This is used to determine if the metadata model is a dictionary-like model,
        or a more strictly typed model.
        if set(["extra"]) != set(cls.model_fields.keys()):
            return True

        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        Provide a string representation of the metadata.

        This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
        unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have a __repr__ method.
        if self._is_field_typed():
            return super().__repr__()

        # Otherwise, we are deailing with dictornary-like metadata
        return json.dumps(self.extra)

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        Provide dictionary functionlaity to the metadata class.

        This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
        unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __getitem__ method.
        if not self._is_field_typed():
            return self.extra[name]

        raise AttributeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"

    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
        Provide dictionary functionality to the metadata class.

        This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
        unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __setitem__ method.
        if not self._is_field_typed():
            self.extra[name] = value
            raise AttributeError(
                f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"

    def __delitem__(self, name):
        Provide dictionary functionality to the metadata class.

        This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
        unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __delitem__ method.
        if not self._is_field_typed():
            del self.extra[name]
            raise AttributeError(
                f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"

    def __iter__(self):
        Iterate over the keys in the metadata.

        This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
        unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __iter__ method.
        if self._is_field_typed():
            raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not iterable")

        return iter(self.extra)

    def __len__(self):
        Get the number of keys in the metadata.

        This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
        unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have a __len__ method.
        if self._is_field_typed():
            raise AttributeError(
                f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '__len__'"

        return len(self.extra)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Allow for getting of attributes on the metadata class.

        The attributes are retrieved through the following heirarchy:
            - If the model is sub-classed, it will be retrieved as normal.
            - Otherwise, if the attribute is private, it will be retrieved as normal.
            - Finally, if we are getting a public attribute on the base metadata class,
                we use the extra field.
            - If the key is not set in the `extra` dictionary, we resort back to just
            trying to get the field.
                - This is when we grab the `owner` or `task_result` attribuite.
        if self._is_field_typed():
            return super().__getattr__(name)

        if name.startswith("_"):
            return super().__getattr__(name)

        # Attempt to retreieve the attr from the `extra` field
            return self.extra.get(name)

        except KeyError:
            # This is for grabbing properties on the base metadata class
            return super().__getattr__(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
        Allow for setting of attributes on the metadata class.

        The attributes are set through the following heirarchy:
            - If the model is sub-classed, it will be set as normal.
            - Otherwise, if the attribute is private, it will be set as normal.
            - Finally, if we are setting a public attribute on the base metadata class,
                we use the extra field.
        if self._is_field_typed():
            return super().__setattr__(name, value)

        # We want to avoid setting any private attributes in the extra
        # dictionary
        if name.startswith("_"):
            return super().__setattr__(name, value)

        # If it is `owner` or `task_results`, we want
        # to avoid setting the attribute in the `extra` dictionary
        if name in ["owner", "task_results"]:
            return super().__setattr__(name, value)

        self.extra[name] = value

    def __delattr__(self, name: str) -> None:
        Ensure that we can delete attributes from the metadata class.

        The attributes are deleted through the following heirarchy:
            - If the attribute is `task_results`, we use the descriptor to delete the task results.
            - Otherwise, if it is a sub-classed model, it will be deleted as normal.
            - Finally, if we are deleting a public attribute on the base metadata class,
                we use the extra field.

        # We want to use the descriptor to delete the task results
        if name == "task_results":

        # Otherwise, we use our standard fallback tiers
        if self._is_field_typed():
            return super().__delattr__(name)

        del self.extra[name]

owner: TMetadataOwner property writable

Return the owner of the metadata.

task_results: TaskResultsDescriptor property writable

Return the task results descriptor.


Ensure that we can delete attributes from the metadata class.

The attributes are deleted through the following heirarchy
  • If the attribute is task_results, we use the descriptor to delete the task results.
  • Otherwise, if it is a sub-classed model, it will be deleted as normal.
  • Finally, if we are deleting a public attribute on the base metadata class, we use the extra field.
Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __delattr__(self, name: str) -> None:
    Ensure that we can delete attributes from the metadata class.

    The attributes are deleted through the following heirarchy:
        - If the attribute is `task_results`, we use the descriptor to delete the task results.
        - Otherwise, if it is a sub-classed model, it will be deleted as normal.
        - Finally, if we are deleting a public attribute on the base metadata class,
            we use the extra field.

    # We want to use the descriptor to delete the task results
    if name == "task_results":

    # Otherwise, we use our standard fallback tiers
    if self._is_field_typed():
        return super().__delattr__(name)

    del self.extra[name]


Provide dictionary functionality to the metadata class.

This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error, unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an delitem method.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __delitem__(self, name):
    Provide dictionary functionality to the metadata class.

    This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
    unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __delitem__ method.
    if not self._is_field_typed():
        del self.extra[name]
        raise AttributeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"


Allow for getting of attributes on the metadata class.

The attributes are retrieved through the following heirarchy
  • If the model is sub-classed, it will be retrieved as normal.
  • Otherwise, if the attribute is private, it will be retrieved as normal.
  • Finally, if we are getting a public attribute on the base metadata class, we use the extra field.
  • If the key is not set in the extra dictionary, we resort back to just trying to get the field.
    • This is when we grab the owner or task_result attribuite.
Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __getattr__(self, name):
    Allow for getting of attributes on the metadata class.

    The attributes are retrieved through the following heirarchy:
        - If the model is sub-classed, it will be retrieved as normal.
        - Otherwise, if the attribute is private, it will be retrieved as normal.
        - Finally, if we are getting a public attribute on the base metadata class,
            we use the extra field.
        - If the key is not set in the `extra` dictionary, we resort back to just
        trying to get the field.
            - This is when we grab the `owner` or `task_result` attribuite.
    if self._is_field_typed():
        return super().__getattr__(name)

    if name.startswith("_"):
        return super().__getattr__(name)

    # Attempt to retreieve the attr from the `extra` field
        return self.extra.get(name)

    except KeyError:
        # This is for grabbing properties on the base metadata class
        return super().__getattr__(name)


Provide dictionary functionlaity to the metadata class.

This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error, unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an getitem method.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __getitem__(self, name):
    Provide dictionary functionlaity to the metadata class.

    This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
    unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __getitem__ method.
    if not self._is_field_typed():
        return self.extra[name]

    raise AttributeError(
        f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"


Iterate over the keys in the metadata.

This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error, unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an iter method.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __iter__(self):
    Iterate over the keys in the metadata.

    This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
    unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __iter__ method.
    if self._is_field_typed():
        raise AttributeError(f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object is not iterable")

    return iter(self.extra)


Get the number of keys in the metadata.

This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error, unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have a len method.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __len__(self):
    Get the number of keys in the metadata.

    This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
    unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have a __len__ method.
    if self._is_field_typed():
        raise AttributeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '__len__'"

    return len(self.extra)


Provide a string representation of the metadata.

This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error, unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have a repr method.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __repr__(self):
    Provide a string representation of the metadata.

    This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
    unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have a __repr__ method.
    if self._is_field_typed():
        return super().__repr__()

    # Otherwise, we are deailing with dictornary-like metadata
    return json.dumps(self.extra)

__setattr__(name, value)

Allow for setting of attributes on the metadata class.

The attributes are set through the following heirarchy
  • If the model is sub-classed, it will be set as normal.
  • Otherwise, if the attribute is private, it will be set as normal.
  • Finally, if we are setting a public attribute on the base metadata class, we use the extra field.
Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
    Allow for setting of attributes on the metadata class.

    The attributes are set through the following heirarchy:
        - If the model is sub-classed, it will be set as normal.
        - Otherwise, if the attribute is private, it will be set as normal.
        - Finally, if we are setting a public attribute on the base metadata class,
            we use the extra field.
    if self._is_field_typed():
        return super().__setattr__(name, value)

    # We want to avoid setting any private attributes in the extra
    # dictionary
    if name.startswith("_"):
        return super().__setattr__(name, value)

    # If it is `owner` or `task_results`, we want
    # to avoid setting the attribute in the `extra` dictionary
    if name in ["owner", "task_results"]:
        return super().__setattr__(name, value)

    self.extra[name] = value

__setitem__(name, value)

Provide dictionary functionality to the metadata class.

This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error, unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an setitem method.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
    Provide dictionary functionality to the metadata class.

    This only works for the base metadata model. If sub-classed, this will raise an error,
    unless overridden, as BaseModel's do not have an __setitem__ method.
    if not self._is_field_typed():
        self.extra[name] = value
        raise AttributeError(
            f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'"

from_owner(owner, **data) classmethod

Create a new instance of the metadata class with the owner set.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def from_owner(cls, owner: TMetadataOwner, **data) -> BaseMetadata:
    """Create a new instance of the metadata class with the owner set."""
    metadata = cls(**data)
    metadata.owner = owner
    return metadata

validate_data_fields_from_annotations(data) classmethod

Validate the data fields from the annotations.

Source code in docprompt/schema/pipeline/
def validate_data_fields_from_annotations(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
    """Validate the data fields from the annotations."""

    # We want to make sure that we combine the `extra` metdata along with any
    # other specific fields that are defined in the metadata.
    extra = data.pop("extra", {})
    assert isinstance(extra, dict), "The `extra` field must be a dictionary."
    data = {**data, **extra}

    # If the model has been sub-classed, then all of our fields must be
    # validated by the pydantic model.
    if cls._is_field_typed():
        # We will get the fields out of extra and set them as potential fields to
        # validate. They will be ignored if they are not defined in the model, but it
        # allows for a more flexible way to define metadata.
        # Otherwise, what ever is in the `extra` field will be stroed in the `extra` field.
        return {**data, "extra": extra}

    # Otherwise, we are using our mock-dict implentation, so we store our
    # metadata in the `extra` field.
    return {"extra": data}