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The File System class provides a wrapper around FSSpec with the required operations for reading, writing, and deleting files from an arbitrary file system backend.

When instantiating the model, you must review the fsspec documentation to determine what additional environment and credential kwargs you must provide, based on your specific selection of file system.


Bases: BaseModel

The FileSidecarsPathManager provides a wrapper around fsspec to provide a clean interface for reading and writing sidecar directories for storing document nodes.


Name Type Description
base_path str

The base path for the sidecar files.

file_hash str

The hash of the file to be stored.

pdf str

The path for the PDF file.

metadata str

The path for the metadata file.

page_metadata str

The path for the page metadata file.

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class FileSidecarsPathManager(BaseModel):
    """The FileSidecarsPathManager provides a wrapper around fsspec to provide a clean interface for
    reading and writing sidecar directories for storing document nodes.

        base_path (str): The base path for the sidecar files.
        file_hash (str): The hash of the file to be stored.
        pdf (str): The path for the PDF file.
        metadata (str): The path for the metadata file.
        page_metadata (str): The path for the page metadata file.

    base_path: str = Field(...)
    file_hash: str = Field(...)

    def pdf(self) -> str:
        """The path for the PDF file."""
        return f"{self.base_path}/{self.file_hash}/base.pdf"

    def metadata(self) -> str:
        """The path for the metadata file."""
        return f"{self.base_path}/{self.file_hash}/base.json"

    def page_metadata(self) -> str:
        """The path for the page metadata file."""
        return f"{self.base_path}/{self.file_hash}/pages.json"

metadata: str property

The path for the metadata file.

page_metadata: str property

The path for the page metadata file.

pdf: str property

The path for the PDF file.


FileSystemType is a custom type for fsspec.AbstractFileSystem instances.

This class handles defining the necessary information for pydantic to be able to validate and fsspec file system as a field in a Pydanitc model.

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class FileSystemAnnotation:
    """FileSystemType is a custom type for fsspec.AbstractFileSystem instances.

    This class handles defining the necessary information for pydantic to be able to validate
    and fsspec file system as a field in a Pydanitc model.

    def __get_validators__(cls):
        yield cls.validate

    def validate(cls, v):
        """Validate that it is a valid fsspec file system."""
        if not isinstance(v, fsspec.AbstractFileSystem):
            raise TypeError("Must be an fsspec.AbstractFileSystem instance")
        return v

    def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(
        cls, _source_type: Any, _handler: Any
    ) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
        """Get the Pydantic Core Schema for the FileSystemType."""
        return core_schema.no_info_after_validator_function(

__get_pydantic_core_schema__(_source_type, _handler) classmethod

Get the Pydantic Core Schema for the FileSystemType.

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def __get_pydantic_core_schema__(
    cls, _source_type: Any, _handler: Any
) -> core_schema.CoreSchema:
    """Get the Pydantic Core Schema for the FileSystemType."""
    return core_schema.no_info_after_validator_function(

validate(v) classmethod

Validate that it is a valid fsspec file system.

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def validate(cls, v):
    """Validate that it is a valid fsspec file system."""
    if not isinstance(v, fsspec.AbstractFileSystem):
        raise TypeError("Must be an fsspec.AbstractFileSystem instance")
    return v


Bases: BaseModel

The FileSystemManager provides a wrapper around fsspec to provide a clean interface for reading and writing sidecar directories for storing document nodes.

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class FileSystemManager(BaseModel):
    """The FileSystemManager provides a wrapper around fsspec to provide a clean interface for
    reading and writing sidecar directories for storing document nodes.

    path: str = Field(...)
    fs: FileSystemAnnotation = Field(...)
    fs_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = Field(...)

    def __init__(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        """Initialize the FileSystemManager with the path and file system backend."""
        super().__init__(path=url, fs_kwargs=kwargs)

    def validate_filesystem_protocol_and_kwargs(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
        """Validate that the path is a valid filesystem path."""

        path = data.get("path", None)
        fs_kwargs = data.get("fs_kwargs", {})

        # Validate that the path is a valid filesystem path
        file_system = fsspec.url_to_fs(path, **fs_kwargs)

        # Set the data values on the model
        data["fs"] = file_system[0]
        data["path"] = file_system[1]
        data["fs_kwargs"] = fs_kwargs

        return data

    def get_pdf_name(self, file_hash: str) -> FileSidecarsPathManager:
        """Get the file manager for a specific file hash."""
        path_manager = FileSidecarsPathManager(base_path=self.path, file_hash=file_hash)
        return os.path.basename(path_manager.pdf)

    def _write(self, value: bytes, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        """Write a value to the file system.

            value: The value to write.
            *args: `` positional arguments.
            **kwargs: `` keyword arguments.
        # Make sure the path exists
        parent_dir = os.path.dirname(args[0])

        kwargs = {**self.fs_kwargs, **kwargs}

        if not self.fs.exists(parent_dir, **kwargs):
            self.fs.mkdirs(parent_dir, **kwargs)

        with*args, **kwargs) as f:

    def _read(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bytes:
        """A wrapper for reading with fsspec.

            *args: `` positional arguments.
            **kwargs: `` keyword arguments.

            bytes: The read value.

        kwargs = {**self.fs_kwargs, **kwargs}

        with*args, **kwargs) as f:

    def _delete(self, path: str, **kwargs):
        """Delete a file from the file system.

            path (str): The path to the file to delete.
            **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the file system.

        kwargs = {**self.fs_kwargs, **kwargs}

        if self.fs.exists(path, **kwargs):
            self.fs.rm(path, **kwargs)

    def write(
        pdf_bytes: bytes,
        metadata_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
        page_metadata_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
        encrypt: bool = False,
        compress: bool = False,
    ) -> FileSidecarsPathManager:
        """Write a sidecar to the filesystem."""
        from docprompt.utils.util import hash_from_bytes

        file_hash = hash_from_bytes(pdf_bytes)

        # Craete the sidecar manager
        path_manager = FileSidecarsPathManager(base_path=self.path, file_hash=file_hash)

        if encrypt:
            warnings.warn("Encryption is not yet supported for the FileSystemManager.")

        if compress:
            warnings.warn("Compression is not yet supported for the FileSystemManager.")

        kwargs = {**self.fs_kwargs, **kwargs}

        # Write the file
        self._write(pdf_bytes, path_manager.pdf, "wb", **kwargs)

        # If the metadata is provided, we want to write it
        if metadata_bytes is not None:
            self._write(metadata_bytes, path_manager.metadata, "wb", **kwargs)

        # Otherwise, we need to clear the metadata file, so that the node is read
        # without any metadata (overwriting any existing metadata)
            # Check if a metadata file exists
            self._delete(path_manager.metadata, **kwargs)

        if page_metadata_bytes is not None:
            self._write(page_metadata_bytes, path_manager.page_metadata, "wb", **kwargs)

        # Otherwise, we need to clear the page metadata file, so that the node is read
        # without any metadata (overwriting any existing metadata)
            self._delete(path_manager.page_metadata, **kwargs)

        return path_manager

    def read(
        self, file_hash: str, **kwargs
    ) -> Tuple[bytes, Union[bytes, None], Union[bytes, None]]:
        """Read a pair of sidecar files from the filesystem."""

        # Craete the sidecar manager
        path_manager = FileSidecarsPathManager(base_path=self.path, file_hash=file_hash)

        # Read the PDF file
        pdf_bytes = self._read(path_manager.pdf, "rb", **kwargs)

            metadata_bytes = self._read(path_manager.metadata, "rb", **kwargs)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            metadata_bytes = None

            page_metadata_bytes = self._read(path_manager.page_metadata, "rb", **kwargs)
        except FileNotFoundError:
            page_metadata_bytes = None

        return pdf_bytes, metadata_bytes, page_metadata_bytes

__init__(url, **kwargs)

Initialize the FileSystemManager with the path and file system backend.

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def __init__(self, url: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
    """Initialize the FileSystemManager with the path and file system backend."""
    super().__init__(path=url, fs_kwargs=kwargs)


Get the file manager for a specific file hash.

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def get_pdf_name(self, file_hash: str) -> FileSidecarsPathManager:
    """Get the file manager for a specific file hash."""
    path_manager = FileSidecarsPathManager(base_path=self.path, file_hash=file_hash)
    return os.path.basename(path_manager.pdf)

read(file_hash, **kwargs)

Read a pair of sidecar files from the filesystem.

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def read(
    self, file_hash: str, **kwargs
) -> Tuple[bytes, Union[bytes, None], Union[bytes, None]]:
    """Read a pair of sidecar files from the filesystem."""

    # Craete the sidecar manager
    path_manager = FileSidecarsPathManager(base_path=self.path, file_hash=file_hash)

    # Read the PDF file
    pdf_bytes = self._read(path_manager.pdf, "rb", **kwargs)

        metadata_bytes = self._read(path_manager.metadata, "rb", **kwargs)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        metadata_bytes = None

        page_metadata_bytes = self._read(path_manager.page_metadata, "rb", **kwargs)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        page_metadata_bytes = None

    return pdf_bytes, metadata_bytes, page_metadata_bytes

validate_filesystem_protocol_and_kwargs(data) classmethod

Validate that the path is a valid filesystem path.

Source code in docprompt/
def validate_filesystem_protocol_and_kwargs(cls, data: Any) -> Any:
    """Validate that the path is a valid filesystem path."""

    path = data.get("path", None)
    fs_kwargs = data.get("fs_kwargs", {})

    # Validate that the path is a valid filesystem path
    file_system = fsspec.url_to_fs(path, **fs_kwargs)

    # Set the data values on the model
    data["fs"] = file_system[0]
    data["path"] = file_system[1]
    data["fs_kwargs"] = fs_kwargs

    return data

write(pdf_bytes, metadata_bytes=None, page_metadata_bytes=None, encrypt=False, compress=False, **kwargs)

Write a sidecar to the filesystem.

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def write(
    pdf_bytes: bytes,
    metadata_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
    page_metadata_bytes: Optional[bytes] = None,
    encrypt: bool = False,
    compress: bool = False,
) -> FileSidecarsPathManager:
    """Write a sidecar to the filesystem."""
    from docprompt.utils.util import hash_from_bytes

    file_hash = hash_from_bytes(pdf_bytes)

    # Craete the sidecar manager
    path_manager = FileSidecarsPathManager(base_path=self.path, file_hash=file_hash)

    if encrypt:
        warnings.warn("Encryption is not yet supported for the FileSystemManager.")

    if compress:
        warnings.warn("Compression is not yet supported for the FileSystemManager.")

    kwargs = {**self.fs_kwargs, **kwargs}

    # Write the file
    self._write(pdf_bytes, path_manager.pdf, "wb", **kwargs)

    # If the metadata is provided, we want to write it
    if metadata_bytes is not None:
        self._write(metadata_bytes, path_manager.metadata, "wb", **kwargs)

    # Otherwise, we need to clear the metadata file, so that the node is read
    # without any metadata (overwriting any existing metadata)
        # Check if a metadata file exists
        self._delete(path_manager.metadata, **kwargs)

    if page_metadata_bytes is not None:
        self._write(page_metadata_bytes, path_manager.page_metadata, "wb", **kwargs)

    # Otherwise, we need to clear the page metadata file, so that the node is read
    # without any metadata (overwriting any existing metadata)
        self._delete(path_manager.page_metadata, **kwargs)

    return path_manager